About My Blog
Finding a little bit of joy in every day.
I have stopped and started penning this blog for a while but I read a quote today which really resonated:
"There is a little war going on within me, but things have changed. I'm no longer trying to destroy myself, I'm on a rescue mission now".
After almost 6 years of being a 'MOSAC' I feel something in me has changed, lifted and with it a desire and belief I can rescue myself. That being said some days (weeks) are still super tough, but even in the super tough I know I have the self care tools (now) to reach for the glimmers of joy the other side.
But a large part of this blog will be to share what my children are going through on their journey, for as I learnt it is very much a journey, but I hope one that can bring some level of recovery. The name 'be kind, have courage' from Cinderella - a motto I still try and instil in my girls - and xoxo - Gossip Girl of course.
Apologies for the use of stock imagery (although I am enjoying the wholesome representations of me) I would love to put our faces on here but for the time being words will have to do as I can't reveal my children's identities, that is something they will need to do when the time is right for them.