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Directions Hearing (no 8?) and Cafcass Section 7 report


Updated: Oct 16, 2023

In the last Court date a FHDR it was stipulated that the girls Guardian (Cafcass appointed) should meet Iris (Lolais no longer part of the proceedings despite her father requesting otherwise) and produce a Section 7 report with his recommendations.

The term 'Section 7' fills me with dread still. In the original Court case it was the Social Workers Section 7 which threw me (and the girls) under the bus as they said they did not believe any abuse took place and Liam should have unfettered access to his children. However, now the Findings of Fact are in place, which have also been upheld by the Appeal Court I know this doesn't have the same danger.

Thankfully too Iris's Guardian knows us from the original proceedings and it is very reassuring to know he sat through the Judge's final verdict and knows the full implications of what Liam did.

Iris was amazing, an absolute legend. She started with a few curveballs but soon settled into it. I had explained to her before he arrived that the Guardian was her voice, everything she asked and told him he would tell the Judge. The Cafcass people I met have always been nice, very different from the Social Workers and I think must have had a lot more training in cases such as ours.

Iris also asked to speak to the Judge and he said he would try and arrange it. I had no idea that was an option and it really seemed to empower her - although I think a driver was that it would be a day off school.

One thing I hadn't thought to explain and reiterate is that it would only be her with the Judge - along with the Guardian and her Solicitor. A few days later she became quite agitated as she was worried 'he' would be in the room.

Fast forward to the day before Court, the knives were really hitting home and Diazepam is my friend allowing me to stay in control. I'm still working today, so work is helping a bit, but my mind is very floaty because by 11am (when you should) I've submitted my Position Statement, but I'm waiting for the Guardian and Liam's, and that's where you just don't know where the curveballs are going to come in.

So it's just a waiting game. I've been for a run. I have acupuncture booked. I am doing all the things and I'm eating my 'safety' food, cheese and ham toasties or scrambled eggs and that is it. Stocked the fridge with ready meals for the girls.

And then it is the day of Court. I have prepped my Mackenzie Friend, the chess games - with which I think is the only way to accurately describe Court from my lay persons angle - have ensued. I have been googling random things such as 'how do I refer o a Barrister as I can't use the term Learned Friend' too 'how do I address a Judge'.

I have a written submission paper, in bold font ready to read in Alicia stylee (as in The Good Wife).

I was a little thrown by the order in which we sit. But I was guided. Applicant to the left, Respondent in the middle and girls representation to the right. Previously the Girls representation was in the middle so I am still unsure as to why this has changed.

As his Barrister - who I have seen enough now - spouted Liam's position I was able to make notes in which to add to my verbal submission. The Judge said I could sit for my submission but I didn't I wanted to stand tall. I managed, with only a few wavering notes.

And the result, a 3 day Fact Finding Hearing / Trial. Not great for me emotionally and physically but an end point. And for the Girls too.

My Mackenzie friend and I went to the nearest Pub and over a wine (£4 for 2 mediums in 2023 sums up our locale) declared it a win. And what is nice, having a Mackenzie friend means there is someone who can see the nuances of Court, laugh at Liam and get it.



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